Purifying Yourself for Namaz

2 mai 2016
  • Image titled Perform Sunni Namaz Step 5
    Rid your body of najas (filthy substances). According to Islam, substances such as urine, feces, blood, vomit, pus and other bodily fluids are filthy. These substances must be removed from your body, clothes and the location that you will be praying. Interestingly, semen and a woman’s orgasm fluids are not considered filthy and so do not have to be removed before practicing Namaz.

    • Dry yourself of urine after using the toilet—usually with toilet paper. Then pour water over the areas where the urine was.
    • After defecating, use toilet paper to wipe and then pour water over the area.
    • You can also just use toilet paper or water to clean yourself as long as the urine didn’t dry outside of the urethra or the defecation did not get on one’s buttocks.
  • Image titled Perform Sunni Namaz Step 6
    Perform ritual ablution or wudhu. The practice of wudu’ involves washing certain body parts, such as the face, hands, arms, feet, ankles and head with water. While certain portions of the body must be washed for the wudu’ to be valid, some areas are not required to be washed but are recommended. When you start your wudu’, you must have the proper intention by saying to yourself, “I intend to perform wudu’.”

    • You are obligated to wash your face from ear to ear and hairline to chin as well as your hands, forearms and elbows from right to left. It is recommended that you wash your hands, forearms and elbows 3 times. It is also recommended that you also say “Bismillah” along with “Allah” when washing your hands.
    • You are obligated to wet wipe the top part of your head as well as wash your feet and ankles. It is recommended that you wash your feet and ankles three times from right to left.
    • It is recommended that you use your right hand to rinse your mouth and suck water into your nose and blow it out with your left hand—3 times. Also, it is recommended that you wet wipe both your ears 3 times as well.
    • Things that will force you to stop wudu’ and start over include: passing urine, defecation or gas, touching the penis, vagina or anus with your palm, loss of consciousness, sleeping without being seated on your buttocks or any skin-to-skin contact with the opposite sex of marriageable age (except for immediate family members).
  • Image titled Perform Sunni Namaz Step 7
    Perform ghusl (full shower) if needed. Certain circumstances will require that you perform ghusl instead of wudu’ to be cleansed after removing najas and before praying. If you wish to pray after having sexual intercourse, ending your menstruation period or postpartum bleeding, giving birth, or ejaculating. You are obligated to give your intention by saying to yourself, “I intend to perform ghusl.”

    • To perform ghusl, you must wash your entire body and hair with water. It is recommended that you wash 3 times.
    • Note that when you perform either wudu’ or ghusl, anything that prevents water from touching the obligatory areas of the body must be removed, including things such as nail polish and waterproof mascara.
  • Image titled Perform Sunni Namaz Step 8
    Perform tayammum (dry purification) if needed. If a Muslim is unable to use water, he or she may choose to perform tayammum instead of wudu’ or ghusl. However, tayammum can only be used for one obligatory prayer session. This rite involves using clean soil or dirt that has not been used before to perform tayammum, and starts with the intention, “I intend to perform tayammum to make performing the prayer permissible.”

    • While it is recommended that you say “Bissmillah,” you are obligated to hit the soil with your palms, then put the soil across your face.
    • Strike the soil again with your palms, then rub it across both hands and forearms up to the elbows. It is recommended to go from right to left, but you are obligated to ensure that the soil covers each arm and hand entirely.